Thas quite good, it does look kinda like a vent art (and if it is, then mate, you can talk to me, I gotchu) and the broken eye being blacked out is a very nice lil detail, even if not little in the slightest.
Thas quite good, it does look kinda like a vent art (and if it is, then mate, you can talk to me, I gotchu) and the broken eye being blacked out is a very nice lil detail, even if not little in the slightest.
Thank you mate :3 i drew the black eye thing because I was to lazy to draw to other eye lol
Yeah, Swatch and the Swatchlings are soo very cool, and this human version is super sick aswell, thought it kinda looks like that one greedy tv guy from the Kirby anime.
lol,he does look like him tho
Welp, atleast you know where to run now!
They have many choices! Any direction but that one.
Are you ok mate?
i mean, im mentally ill af but i'm living in a safe environment where i'm looked after and supervised most of the time lol
That is so bright, I can hardly tell what's going on. But after eventually figuring it out, I can say this is sick!
It is meant to be feel mildly disorienting, so mission successful, I suppose? HAHA
But I agree that it could certainly use many improvements in terms of readability. Actually, I made some adjustments before uploading it, but didn't want to change it too much.
Someday I would like to try redrawing it, though.
Thank you for sharing your impression! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
I dunno what an "Fenrir art production" is, but that is a very cool wolf, and the blue makes him look like some sorta forrest spirit lad!
I am referring to my art production. I manage it myself. Since people from Hollywood, including Natalie Portman, Gal Gadot, Disney, WB, and Universal put me in a horrible position and misled my life, I have to make my own art-based-movies. I made wolf based on a old Yu-Gi-Oh card I use to have since I enjoyed the art of it. I like the blue as well. Thank you and do well. I am glad I am still working on art besides planning new stories and seeing if I can do them with the little I have.
Mate thas so sick! There's so much detail on here, mainly the eyes and lighting, it's so cool!
Thank you so much mate!
Nah mate, kirboi doesn't look like he's lost all hope, he looks quite happy! I'm not sure it's possible to fraw sad Kirb, and if it is, please don't, he's too sweet.
Yea, maybe it's just the lack of eye shines.
And no, I don't think I will be drawing a sad Kirby. However, I do draw a lot of sad Void, maybe it's just the tears and depressed expression that's fun to draw.
Whoa. This brings back so many memories, it's the start of the comic, the start which I didn't read!
So many memories for Andrea. (Not really any good ones)
That is a really detailed and cool walk cycle! It also loads super fast, and it's amazing how you did such a cool thing with such a low imige quality!
Hah Thank You so much guy!!! :D actually this was much better quality, but I had to scale down, if not it would load here endlessly xD
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Joined on 1/31/21