Yeah, but didn't she also have bullets in her pocket?
Yeah, but didn't she also have bullets in her pocket?
Nah... she just doesn't realize "bulletproof" aksi means "you shouldn't be able to break that". Bunny stronk.
Normally Mawile isn't too cute I don't think, but as always you managed to make it hyper-adorable!
Thanks Bopsky :DDD!!!
Oh. Well that's quite nice. I really still do hope this is just a pleasent and peaceful world.
If nothing else, at least a moment's respite.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, she smol :3
Also darn that is incredably detailed! That is some beutiful shading and colours, and lots of detail on everything!
ahh, thank you so much! yes, i put a couple hours into painting her hehe ^x^ pretty pleased with how it turned out! thanks for the comment <3
That is quite cute, he just vibin.
cute vibin artiste :D
The top of the flower looks like an eye, whether this is intentinal or not it is really cool!
Thank you!
That doesn't look bad! Sure, the framerate isn't insanely large, but you don't really do animation often so it's alright, and the model itself is really good!
Glad you considered the fact that i don't often animate!
Honestly yeah, let'em have a but of a rest after one just got their eye slashed out by a muscular spider dude.
She's had a bit of a rough time.
These are some nice staris. Very classy, also the quality you drew them in is absolutely stunning.
Thank you! This Is one of my First sketch made on my sketcbook while waiting my father (policeman) in the police station.
Like all ypue stuff, that is relaly incredably good!
Thank you bro <3
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21