This character gives off Spooky Month vibes. Than again, spooky month is every month, so tehnicly everything does that. But this one especially.
This character gives off Spooky Month vibes. Than again, spooky month is every month, so tehnicly everything does that. But this one especially.
Bitch this ain’t spooky month, this Hanaka
Yeah, dying isn't very poggers. I know it happens like, every other tuesdy, so one could maybe get used to it, but I still find it quite annoying.
FRRR Dying sucks some serious ass.
THis just looks good. I have nothing more to say, this just IS good.
Thanks man :)
I like the hair of the skeloton ones, thought it might just be bc I like skeletons.
But if that's the case, than skeletons good.
Thank you~ I just really love the look of fire hair, even if it's really hard to paint x)
Skeletons good :)
Gorgeous, thought I am a bit confused as to why the character's back legs and tail are presumably space goop.
Just for fun :^)
That is the law of equivelant exchange.
No but seriously, this looks amazing, I especially like the cape.
Thanks! Capes on kenku like this seems to be a classic, but eh, I understand why!
I'm not even gonna ask how an orange catgirl saying ,,go outside" and a sketch of BF has anything to do with the Hmmburger Cheeseburger Big Mac Woopah song.
friday night funkin twitter
Grimm in a suit is something I never knew I needed. Now I can't look at reg Grimm without thinking how good he looks in a suit.
And that's a good thing.
I know, right? So many of these characters lend themselves to looking really good in suits!
I like how the descruption is just so happy in the face of a demon worm. It does look good, but not something I would call ,,UwU".
i uwu at everything uwu
fr tho, i didnt hav much of a description because i just quickly scribbled this up to test posting on instagram from a new device xd
The cube that makes cubes. Out of cubes. If we don't stop the cube-shaped, cube-fuled cube machine, the world will be all cubes.
As it should be! (lol)
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21