Plauge doctour plushie is mandatory and very important, I presume.
Plauge doctour plushie is mandatory and very important, I presume.
It is! Another member of the party offered it to him... it's a magic object that makes him resist fear!
I mean if ya wanna, you can make the limbs a permanent addition and move on from the floaty arms and legs.
I don't plan on it being a permanent thing lol, though I'll still draw these anthro designs from time to time
don't wanna separate these characters from their catto boi origins (especially with some of the ideas I have hehe)
Yeah yeah, take the portal to your favorite fantasy world, kid, you'll see all your favortie characters, Blizø's here, Stolas is just in that room over there that you'll see when you pass through the damn portal, uhhh, Loona's here too,
Don't worry that it's litterly A PORTAL TO HELL, just... just come on in! It'll be fun!
Imagine you find a mysterious artifact and accidentally open a portal too hell....
Only to see someone dressed a 1950s soda jerk offering a free rubber duck in exchange for listening about his daughters Rehab hotel in hell!
Where do I want it, I want it on the museum wall, this looks proper! A little blurry honestly, I mean like the white stuff around the character's head for example looks odd, but even despite that this really does look good!
Thank you! Yeah I normally paint with oils, so still getting the hang of digital painting. It's a lot of fun though!
Cultist dagger, for taking blood without killing;
An army of tamed bats;
A rad as hell tennis racket;
Some well painted fortune rock in a cool forrest spot;
This guy's not so scary as awsome!
thank you! this drawing was based on the lyrics of haunted - laura les
Fight me!
Man looks good, with lighting looking a littttle bit like some old anime or cartoon, especially on the sword, which is neat...
And the mask is kinda... bulbous, I guess?
Well of course, this is what the authentic Meta Knight looks like, in my own style without any tracing.
It scares me! Ah!
I'm so sorry😅
Whada hecc would this one's weakness/resistence be? All megaman bosses have one of each I think...
Maybe like, uses huge soundwaves to bounce a wepon with a slow projectile away, but I cannot think on what he'd be weak to.
Also you should do a bot called Normal Man, with the most avarege design you can think of.
His weakness is the weapon Mega Man would get from Stitch Woman. once I finish posting all the robots, I'll post the weapons and weakness chart.
Oh god... i remember that happend to me once... not a good time, and was the cause of many... things... remenicant of Da Dark Said Ov Da Forc... be careful with those things Naiko. They can be used in more ways than one.
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21