Nah, taking off your signature clothes before a shower is for L0000SERRSSS!!!
Nah, taking off your signature clothes before a shower is for L0000SERRSSS!!!
Ong tho, so true!
Oooh~ textbox colour is something I don't see in any other ref sheet! That is a preety awsome idea, and a way to distinguish who's talking in comics, like how you can distinguish it in real life with people's diffrent voices!
a lot of people LOVE the text and theme color concept. I love it for the reasons you stated (easier to indicate who's talking) but also others stated that them having different colors assigned to them adds to their personality
One cutesy adorable penguin... FOR ONLY FIVE BUCKS?! What a steal
Thank you very much, it´s the only way they have bought me adopts and commissions :,(
Uhhh... have a good meal, zombie lady...?
Nom nom nom -- thank you!
WOAH-HO HEY NOW! The leg does NOT bend that way! Hold on, I gotta go try to do this pose irl, out of curiosity.
If the red pattern on the pants is the front of the pant... then no, she's totally breaking her leg! I am NOT trying that!
Maybe if the red was the back, then you can actually somewhat rotate it like that... yeah that kinda works... maybe if you're hella flexible, but surely not like in the drawing!
Hey, you're right! The red pattern should be curving more towards the knee, huh. I just wanted to break up the visual monotony of the pants a bit, was a last minute addition. It's definitely NOT the front though, that's the side of her leg, hence there being no red visible on her left. The pose is lifted straight from a big book of action poses, and I've seen fighters kick like that, so I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility, just exaggerated. Bear in mind the shot is tilted a bit.
Oh yeas. Cute magical whymsical mythcial fox freind, with lotsa lore! And it's written so well too... please tell me more! :3
hehe thank you, I love foxes. I'm working on full species sheets for all my mythical beasties this year. You can find more info and art over on my patreon.
Oh das such a good picture! You photograph well! And the drawing's neat too, like something I'd see as a pattern in a store my mum drags me into in a city on vacation!
Oh tysm!!!
Ah yayyyy! You're have returned! I never knew ya were a lesbiab, but thas awsome I guess!
Also your oc looks a lot more woman-like now, but in the awsomest way possible! Where I come from, I believe they'd call it a "drag queen"!
Not too sure if i'd fit in the drag label but the message is very wholesome of yours!!
I bow down before The Royal Truffle.
Ah look, more bunny people! And this one's cool and scary!
Also do take a break if you are burnt out, you seem to be doing this universe of bunnies with cleavers and evil bunny queens and stuff, maybe you can work on that world's sheer lore while waiting for drawing burnout to go away.
Thanks, fren :0 I might have something more concret coming up that doesn't involve bunnies, a bud of mine has came up with an idea of a ragtag trio wondering a surrealism wasteland ruled by kiwis, its still pretty early but hopefully I'll have something to show soon
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21