All I know is The Year Of Luigi was 10 years ago, perfectly for another one.
All I know is The Year Of Luigi was 10 years ago, perfectly for another one.
All years are year of Luigi
Welp, if she wakes up, she'll get to see all those peoples anyway! In fact, the longer it takes, the more likely it is that Olivia and Andrew die of old age in the real world.
Very true. It'll take more than that to stop this cat.
OwO das so cool tho! That spaxe looks very very nice!
Also mate if this is like a vent art, then ya can like say what's wrong and imma tryta help
I'm oki,its just somthin experimental but thx!
"This is gonna be a terrible night..."
-Terraria, before The Eye of Cthulu spawns.
That dang eye, killing new players.
Ye mate use a res higher than pixel art sprites next time dude!
ye true
Just throw ice cubes at the burnt person until they're fine.
That sounds right.
Aaaaand she burnt her hand of from touching the pie, now she's in a coma, thas how the whole dreaming ting started, great story bunny man, thank you very much.
The classic "burnt finger coma" story.
Mate ya really need to make an audio where you sing those lyrics you made before over the original song
ill try to soon
Aye, ya did really well drawing the bg! Ya can kinda tell that you don't draw backgrounds often, but it's still preety good!
Thanks :3
Fire remix!
yeah kinda wanna animate it
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21