Foken dark image this one, holy heck...
After throwing screen brightness on eleven tho, this is really good, soooooo good! Stomach's just COMPLEATLY ripped open, you could comftably fit your head into that hole, the intestants (or whatever those long meaty tendrlis you digest with are called) are just wayy off to the side, so that means the torso has even MORE cut-open spots...
Of course half the arms are just missing, they're gone, somehow that's the tamest part of this picture...
That hook from the title going right through the neck, directly where all the bits that allow breathing and speaking and eating are, and the blood from there goes right up to the teeth...
Pup's got some weird mask on, clearly limting them even more than all this beutiful damage does...
And if ya look in the eyes... those aren't dead eyes. Not passed out eys eighter. This fucking doggo is fully alive still, they can feel all of this, each little bit of their body...
Very juicy. Wowie I love it!