Looks gay, preety cool.
Looks gay, preety cool.
I fear you.
I want that shirt.
I see now, Gecc man, how far you've fallen... even when drawing the scariest flesh monster you can, with what looks like spider legs growing out of the back, AND heckimg blood, you still subconciusly make the monste thiccccccccc as heccccccccc.
At least the drawing quality is still amazing, thas never gonna not be the case. And the shading changed again. And it's really nice. Again.
Th...thanks anyway Bopsky!
Wait, HUH?! How didya do that, how are the thumbnail and main imige compleatly diffrent? Ya dont haveta anwser if ya wanna keep the secret, but thas really amazing!
It wasnt on purpose
Format thing was a bitch
Anyway it’s fixed now so check it out
Okie, I won't swallow the seed then, if it's dangerous and rare! :3
*looks around*
*noone around*
*begins swallowing tree*
LOL RIP The Tree XD Hahaha!
"Before I dedicated my life to sience, thanks to my Dastardly EX-wife, I dreamt of becoming a boxer! Oh, the thrill of the ring, the cheer of the crowd, the blood rushing through my veins - for (7)Playcoins, I can tell you more!"
A- da heccing what? Visible and sudden improvement in drawing quality is not something I expected to see from you! I mean like, this is amazing, but suprising anyway.
Thank you, I'm glad you noticed this but there's still a long way to go, this is nothing more than a step forward in my way of drawing.
Well, I don't. I'm skipping this. See ya when Andy's monolouge finishes, [[artist]].
Aw, but we're getting to the weeeird stuff.
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21