Damn, I... don't remember who Gracy is. But cool amoguses anyway, and if it took 5 days to make the background of that Gracy's sheet, then it probably looks amazing too!
Damn, I... don't remember who Gracy is. But cool amoguses anyway, and if it took 5 days to make the background of that Gracy's sheet, then it probably looks amazing too!
"The freindship squad is here, we're all doomed!"
Oh that's preety great! A lot of little drawings, I think the space astronaut one is the best, but all of them are preety good!
Well, that's actually... preety neat. Couldn't tell what creatures are here if I didn't have the art name right there, but still, whatever this thibg is looks preety nice!
yeah maybe is a bit extravagant but well, that was kinda the point, make it look as strange as ´possible, ty again 4 da comment! even tho sounded bit sarcastic lel
Wait, so he IS alive. Man, after that whole Olivia scene, I thought Andrew's name being litterly the male ver of Andrea seemed a bit sus in retrospect, like a liiiiiiiittle hint that somethin wasn't right, but no, he's real. Damn, I tried outsmarting you too much, [[artist]].
His location on the "realness" scale is complicated. And his name is indeed suspicious.
...no it's not. It hasn't been 3 years since fnf, I refuse to believe that happend so long ago, it's not true, it's just not true, it's false, it's fake, fanfiction, IT CANT BE TRUE PLEASE NO DONT LET IT BE TRUE PLEEEAAASEEEEE
Yooo, that looks like sometin I'd see in a Taiko game! And Cheese looks like he's on his way to the casino, didn't know roulette was an olimpic sport but alroight.
...So Andy's not real eighter, huh. I guess "Is it so bad I want to fuckin exsist a little longer" really meant, exsist a little longer, there are no more Andrews now. How much more stuff is just gonna be deleted outta exsistence?
I suppose "everything we've seen so far", but Andrea has kind of run out of friendly faces here anyways.
"Theiw bodies? Wat do you mean hooman, I domt know what you'we tawking abowt! Instead ow wowwying abowt dat, come hewe and gib me headpwats \^w^/ "
Oh hey, that guy is in Smash Bros! Cool dude, and cool draeing!
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21