Oh that IS the comicly large one. Huh. So what was the point if the clock then?
Oh that IS the comicly large one. Huh. So what was the point if the clock then?
Andrea is about to raise the same question.
Welp, sadly I dunno who that is. Still very neat art tho!
Its a popular newgrounds animation,also ty!
Ye, they do look like a cute smol being! Very pleasent colouring aswell.
That's the key right there. Maybe not THE key, but they should be able to leave with this.
Eagle eyed Olivia finding important items early.
She's beutiful :3
Thank you :)
Oh that is a big hecker. Even with that happy freindly smile, they look really intimidating.
Oh woah that looks nice! That whole Galxy thing looks so nice with the white face and legs!
thank you!
Oh my, that is a really really big tail! Like, that is at least 3x the size of the rest of yer body, kinda insane! And that is a fullon backpack attached to the tail aswell, seriously dude that is really impresive, even if it is just a drawing!
Thx Bopsky!!!
Oh wow, they are very cute, and the cheeks look hella realistic! I don't got headphones rn, so I can't tell ya how good the song is, but the drawin itself is very nice!
Aye, that'd be really nice; even if it wasn't Bird Grimm plantin stuff, someone going around hell and planting beutiful flowers would make it soo much nicer!
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21