Aye mate das preety neat, never thought about em teaming up like that! Would be Berdly's dream in dt canon too.
Aye mate das preety neat, never thought about em teaming up like that! Would be Berdly's dream in dt canon too.
Honestly, was kinda hopin this would be a drawin of the godess Venus.
Still hella great tho, and the stars are hella shiny as always!
Yes that's... that's the he.
I don't really get it, like, whatchu mean consept, this is alredy in the game mate.
This is kinda like all the people saying robots will take over the world, just splash this being with water and one shall melt no more!
Well shied das cool!
That's a pokemon fusion with tinkatink, two of em actually!
Wowie what an epic backstory with lots of effort and originality! Joo should write a lots moar of thise!
May I present to you:
The latest and greatest in technology:
The Bed!!!
Seriously go and get some rest mate, ya deserve it after that.
Yeah, I don't think I'll be doing a marathon like this again, but it was kind of a fun new years challenge
And now... onto the 24 hour sleep challenge! * 0 *
Well he looks very jolly.
it is hard to drawn in your bed in the morning. (when i drew that it was morning in my country)
That looks really comtarble actually! Tho you'd have to walk sideways to be that close to one another.
Its comtarble if they never ever ever move again and just stay like that :)
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21