That knife kinda looks like a sharda broken glass more than a knife, also, I'm sure the lad will be juuusttt fiiiiiiiiinnneeee
That knife kinda looks like a sharda broken glass more than a knife, also, I'm sure the lad will be juuusttt fiiiiiiiiinnneeee
Oh well that id a very convienient thing. Sounds like somethin that would happen in a videogame.
I imagine Andrew will be keeping that book to himself, though.
Mate is the mouse fishing with some string attached to a toothpick? Thas a super cool idea if it is!
Well, this is a Redwall universe mouse so we can't say how big they actually are. Matthias is depicted carrying a bag of Chestnuts at one point; a chestnut is about the size of a mouse's head XD.
Oh that is cool! Digimon lookin individual.
Yee, I like Skully's design a lot.
Bud, you'll be waitin quite a good bit for silksong, but we can always hope it comes out tommorow!
"I exsist, so I must scream" - some lad I found online once
Woah heck ye thas neat! Very nice thing.
Good shit! Very well made, is spoopy, heck yis!
Holy hecks mate this looks so good, so much detail!
Heck yes bananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananaanananansnsnsnsnmaanananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananā¯—ā¯—ā¯—
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Joined on 1/31/21