Wait, didya do that sprite originally,? If ya did, thas so cool you got to work on a mod this big!
Wait, didya do that sprite originally,? If ya did, thas so cool you got to work on a mod this big!
Mate this is such an incredable drawing! So many lights and colours, you look gorgeus there in the middle, everythin looks so good!
Also mate, I'm really sorry to hear all that stuff that happend to you on your birthday, you didn't deserve to get ghosted by your freinds, and it's really super sad that your parrents divorced, all I can say is that it's gonna be OK later and everything will be all good soon, and also, happy3 days after your birthday to you!
Oh hell ye mate is very good! The lad looks hella good, and that bg effect is really well made!
I mean like mate, if ya wanna be a girl ya can always pull a transgender, it is a preety big decision but that is a thing ya can do.
Ee the character in the art isn't me or is related to me in anyway hehe
It's just an art based on a silly song
Still thank you
Holy peck mate she's still alive? Mate she stopped postin to NG soooooo long ago, mate I thought sometin happend to her! Hell ye tho, she's not dead!
I guess not! 😅
Yoo welcome back mate! Good to see ya exsist again!
Oh that be llokin like fullon guts. Quite a lot to put under some snow, ain't the best way to hide it.
I didn't make this work so gore and pulp when I made it. XD
Is Ight mate, go ahead and take a rest.
Oh heck mate, thas preety bad, ya'll recover for sure tho! Might take some time, but it'll all be alright!
Squishie lil frein! Mate they look so heckin comfy UwUs!
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21