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Honestly, I don't know if you're done with this situation or not (God I wish you are ok) but if you ain't, then it is better to go to the doctor if you ain't sure if the pain is real or not, it might be a waste of everyone's time if it's nothin serious but there's always a chance it is. Also, you probably ain't dying becouse of a toe, even if it feels like it (unless you got an infection or somethin), and other than that I can only tell you that the pain is only temporary, eventually you will be alright.

Holy crap these glow effects are so pleasent! The amount of general detail on these characters is so nice aswell!

A wonderful reminder of the important fact, that it is, in fact, always da spookiey month.

Also darn that art looks reallly cool!

That is actually so sick. I do not know if you came up with that design or yourfreind did, eighter way that is so creative and good! Lotsa paint splatters, speaker ears, the four eyes with the too and bottom set having diffrent colours, giant tail and the really big and techy heart all are so much very cool!

Thuis is quite nifty, I feel like it would be super incredably adorable if I actually knew these characters, but I don't even know who you are so gosh darnit I guess I'm missing out. Still, very cool tho!

ThatTankmanSimp responds:

Oh, well that's okay! The tall cat is a character from a game and the short Fox is me. Yeah, It's self-shipping but meh, i just really like this cat character

Finally, these two deserved a break for quite awhile, seeing this now and in such a way honestly feels so nice, thank you man.

24HoursSleeping responds:

Just a bit of down time for my favorite cat/bunny duo.

✨He✨ is absolutely adorable.

Bunny dog? Thas a bunny dog. That is a heckin bnuuy dog, and it's so good and cool!

DAKIZU responds:

it´s a bunny but looks like a dog on my style, and his name it´s Jack

You see, the thing is this can't be an nft, becouse this actually looks good, original and really well made.

Your doggo looks so adorable in a sweater! Somehow more adorable than normal!

burrieblues responds:

aww, thanks



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