The top of the flower looks like an eye, whether this is intentinal or not it is really cool!
The top of the flower looks like an eye, whether this is intentinal or not it is really cool!
Thank you!
That doesn't look bad! Sure, the framerate isn't insanely large, but you don't really do animation often so it's alright, and the model itself is really good!
Glad you considered the fact that i don't often animate!
Honestly yeah, let'em have a but of a rest after one just got their eye slashed out by a muscular spider dude.
She's had a bit of a rough time.
I mean like, all of them are gorgeus amd adorable, I don't actually know what suave means, and they all look preety strong.
Yyyyyeeeepppp this is getting frontpaged. Mark my word!
These are some nice staris. Very classy, also the quality you drew them in is absolutely stunning.
Thank you! This Is one of my First sketch made on my sketcbook while waiting my father (policeman) in the police station.
That is really cute! Even if a little bit lewd and not too special, this is still an incredably cool character.
Like all ypue stuff, that is relaly incredably good!
Thank you bro <3
Mate I'm actually amazed. This isn't just a drawing, this is art! Not only is it a cool thing, there's a deeper story here! The fox is cheating the contest, since they're eating only the sausage, not the full hot dog, as there is no bun. The cheater is also putting hotdogs, or just pure sausage, into their big and floofy tail and pretending like they swallowed it whole - but one sausage near the bottomof the tail reveals this trickery.
Then, looking out onto the borders, it turns out the viewer isn't the only one to notice - all other contestants have caught onto the trickster and are throwing sausages and booing them out of the area!
Truly, you could hang this in a museum. Well done Dorran. Well done.
Edit:This is what being high on "It's 1am go to sleep alredy" looks like.
anyway thank you as always UwUb!!!
Oh that's like, the void from that one part at the end that I'm not gonna name bc spoilers! Honestly, with how little of this thing you actually see, you sure drew a big and intresting character with that!
Aww thank you. It's literally all up to interpretation
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21