haha cock joke
haha cock joke
Honestly mate, that looks like the title screen of a videogame or a title page for a comic, and I'd be hella hyped for eighter one.
Alredy, this thing is getting wholesome fanart.
Oh that IS old. It still does look really nice, though not nearly as nice as your other stuff.
well it supposed to be a some what of the remake of this https://www.deviantart.com/redburrie/art/Snoozey-735069215
That's really adorable. Just these two wholesome characters chillin and OwO-ing at eachother is the most precious thing, and the style makes it even cuter.
That is a hella cute character! And it's a lil bee, which makes it even bette
Honestly, I feel like whatever you draw will look good, regardlessof style.
The ancients fortold the UwU's arival.
Jeez, dark souls bosses look a lot mord vibrant.
That's an awfully dark title for something so nice looking. Still, you say it's the begining, so it'll probably get worse soon.
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21