What can I say, this looks absolutely amazing! There's a lotta detail, and the way you drew the 2 cats is incredable!
What can I say, this looks absolutely amazing! There's a lotta detail, and the way you drew the 2 cats is incredable!
Somrthing simple? This has so much great detail!
thank you ouo'
Hell yeah it's fascinating, this looks so good!
This reminds me of that one scene where Jeeebus uses his magic to make like, 4 guns float, and shoots them at a group of grunts. One of the best moments int eh series IMO.
Dude thanks for doing these wholesome drawings with cool advice, I will make sure to use it!
This looks so good! I like how you discarded the fictinal lok of normal pokemon for a very realistic one, it looks hecking incredable!
Thank you man, that means a lot to me!
,,It goes a litle something like this:
(Cool opening)
Fuck you!
(Cool ending)"
Lol that’s a nice song right there
Why please do tell me, I can hardly wait!
You see, I would give you constructive critisism, but it's kinda hard when there's nothing to critisize. There's just so much done right with this, the frames move at a good speed, the detail and lighting (especially the lighting) look so good, generally just a stunning piece.
He does indeed have some very plentifull hats.
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21