You improved a heckton, even if this still looks decent.
You improved a heckton, even if this still looks decent.
How can I be mad at this precious lil floofball? It's way too cute!
I cannot wait for that, it looks hecking incredable!
The text looks nice, especially for text standards, but the character is really odd. I think the offputting part is the super symetrical hair. It kinda ruins the drawing a little bit.
That was my old drawing. I have problems with that character mainly the hair, the sides of the hair would look different
That is some really nice art, even thought it doesn't have colours it's still really detailed and pleasent to look at.
,,Hello, how are you, I am under the water, please help me, (underwater person sounds)"
I think you meant to make this a gif, atm it's only possable to see the 1st frame and a preview of the other ones where his face just goes back into itself, which is quite a cool concept.
You can do it, if that is the amount of detail you bulid your stuff with then you are certantly skilled enought to bulid The Skeld!
Fricking gorgeus, minus senpai looks kinda lika a classy elf and it's really cool.
I have no idea what Mythical Dogs Week is, but this looks great, and defintly like a mythical dog.
Thank you-
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21