This looks really nice.
This looks really nice.
NIce OC, Very much would like to see this in an actuall FNF mod.
It looks good, I like the shading and shadows.
Yeah, dying isn't very poggers. I know it happens like, every other tuesdy, so one could maybe get used to it, but I still find it quite annoying.
FRRR Dying sucks some serious ass.
THis just looks good. I have nothing more to say, this just IS good.
Thanks man :)
I like the hair of the skeloton ones, thought it might just be bc I like skeletons.
But if that's the case, than skeletons good.
Thank you~ I just really love the look of fire hair, even if it's really hard to paint x)
Skeletons good :)
He's dancing, and he's doing it well.
Meanwhile, in an alternative universe, where Tom liked cookies just a bit more...
Gorgeous, thought I am a bit confused as to why the character's back legs and tail are presumably space goop.
Just for fun :^)
That is the law of equivelant exchange.
No but seriously, this looks amazing, I especially like the cape.
Thanks! Capes on kenku like this seems to be a classic, but eh, I understand why!
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21