Heh heh heh...
*Begins intence steamy gay sex*
Heh heh heh...
*Begins intence steamy gay sex*
[[artist]], panel 2 flashed me back through the entirety of this comic in one moment. That is epic. THAAAAAAATTTTTT is EPIC. Wow.
Yuuup. There's the foreshadowing.
"The time, bespoke of course."
Yeah I think this guy should be trusted.
Does he actually have the key though? Like, THE key, to THE box? Already? Or does MEAT have a secret ending key noone ever picked up?
It would be interesting, but I think he's just a big ol' liar.
:3 *purrs cutely*
*Waggles somft tail* *rolls over tummy up*
"You deserve it!"
*nya's adorably* *does a happy lil speen*
That would be exceptionally cat of her.
Ah, so this is how she got her Sanford hook! At least I guess it must be. Also, MEAT talks, I forgot it does that.
Yeah, MEAT was pretty talkative when he was fully 'himself".
You haven't seen the wonders o' Jack's hiddne personal stairs. If we ever got to see them, they'd make the rest of the comic pointless with their awsomeness.
Also, he looks like Jeremy Clarkson in the topright panel.
No one appreciates Clown's stairs and how neat they are. Rude cat.
Yeah! Wooeh! Cool and awsome rainbowz yeasir! Sparklez &nd shinies >w<!
"You might not want to go in there without being able to defend yourself proper. Would you like to begin the combat tutorial?"
Yet another moment for this comic to be bibeo game!!
I wounder what kind of combat it would be.
Yeah, don't assume you're the only real person here... this story's meant to have 2 heroes after all!
Would Andy count as a real person? Or is he currently spewing that knows as bullshit, as he pupeteers Jack from his library chair?
He would count indeed. Clown never lied. He is an honest Clown.
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21