Now Andrea can grab the heart, technicly.
Now Andrea can grab the heart, technicly.
she should probably react somehow.
It's less of a "you can't do that" and more of a "you shouldn't do that". Except "should" and "shouldn't" are overrated anyway.
True, as she shows here, she CAN do it. It just might be a bad idea.
It really has been quite awhile since you last drew your fursona, but you've been goin throught a lotta hard stuff so it's alright. Hope that stuff gets resolved soon BTW!
A good news on that is I finally got scheduled for something, but it's months away still. But I'm currently doing alright now.
Yeah sadly I played enought Madness Combat to know that doesn't really work unless there are like, 70 of these casually just lying around.
Thought technicly the hooks are there!
Throwing her only weapon was a questionable decision.
Mate, I really wanna try and help you out with whatever the bloody hell's making you make all these vent arts, but I got no clue what that is, so gosh didly darnit, but I sure do hope you'll be able to make it throught that, it's really sad to see you sad and that thing probably ain't goin away on it's own.
I really appreciate you caring, man^^ I really do. Sometimes I just need to get some things out, but-I think things are gonna get better, so dw. If you see 1 or 2 more vent arts, don't be concerned or anything. Summer is coming. Less school work. More time for me to figure out my OTHER issues and think about things. Plus, overall-a bit less stress. Hopefully I can figure everything else out during the summer. If I can, everything should be fine^^
What a wonderful plan - run into the room of the big evil bad guy, then sacrifice yourself so your freind can escape, and have both of you earn nothing from the situation.
She definitely thought this through.
-God has left the chatroom.
"I have nothing to do with this one." -God
Yooooo mate thas so sick! The fire around Darniel just looks so fugin cool! Mate I wanna see this in an actual mod!
Thank u mate!
Thas quite good, it does look kinda like a vent art (and if it is, then mate, you can talk to me, I gotchu) and the broken eye being blacked out is a very nice lil detail, even if not little in the slightest.
Thank you mate :3 i drew the black eye thing because I was to lazy to draw to other eye lol
Yeah, Swatch and the Swatchlings are soo very cool, and this human version is super sick aswell, thought it kinda looks like that one greedy tv guy from the Kirby anime.
lol,he does look like him tho
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21