Tricky got DA BOAT
Also how did he get throught to the water part? Like, is he just gonna be another main character with Andreaya and Olvia now, or just seeyalosers back to the dark blue universe?
Tricky got DA BOAT
Also how did he get throught to the water part? Like, is he just gonna be another main character with Andreaya and Olvia now, or just seeyalosers back to the dark blue universe?
He can be "anywhere no one's looking", which apparently can get him out of his room too! Makes travel convenient. Though, he doesn't like to impose, so he doesn't stick around long.
Nah mate, it just says that it'll reset the world, so if I pick yea then the world is stuck in an endless cycle. And currently, it ain't bad enought that thas a better option than goin forward.
Your answer is not wrong
Are we bouta get a dream in a dream? That would be preety cool, also I really apriciate how you made a song just for this page. It ain't much, but it sure as hell is some honest work.
Thank you! And Andrea will probably get a rude awakening, as she usually does.
Mate hell yeah that looks so sick! Very electric with red uhh outline things I guess is a great mix, somehow!
Oi mate, thas really good! Also, I wonder myself how people draw well with their pens or however the hell the really good artists do it.
as a tablet and pen user it's mostly that it feels like more traditional drawing (like with a pencil and paper), while using a finger on a small 2014 smartphone screen feels more unnatural lol.
but i guess it's really more of preference and honestly it doesn't really matter since at the end of the day tablets, pens, phones, fingers (wait) are just tools that you use to create art. tools arent the things that make you good, it's how you use them
sorry for writing an essay lol
I shall keep saying it, you ain't cringe (the bad cringe atleast), or a loser, you're cool as hell bro!
i say them as a joke to make fun of cringe culture
I mean, sleeping forever and never waking up is litterly the definition of a coma, and honestly, as much as bnuuy is cool, I don't think doing that is a good idea. But hell, you're writing the comic, you decide what these two prefer.
A little mental conflict for our protagonists. Even with her "if I had to stay somewhere" last page, Andrea at least seems pretty determined to wake up.
Mate that right there is so sweet and precious! I have no idea what they're saying since I don't speak japaneese, but the look so sweet and adorable!
Oh what I wrote at the bottom was what it says (I used an image of a keyboard to help) but thankies dood!
Thas a really very extreamly good sprite! Even if you only have icons and the idle, it still looks and feels great!
this is just more-so a proof of concept rather than an actual sprite, but this is what it WOULD look like, thank you still!
Das a bloody doodle? Nah I don't belive that! This is honeslty so good and well made, the asthetic looks incredably great and the colours are really colourful and pleasent! I'd say that right there's one of your best arts, maybe the best idk!
Well thank you! Expect more stuff like this
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21