That is precious. Like, actually so adorable.
That is precious. Like, actually so adorable.
thanks x3
That looks so good! I feel like the addition of pink is the best part by far.
Thank you! I outlined the insides with a reddish-pink airbrush to try and capture the Gigantamax energy.
First of all, damn you're fast. The drawing also turned out really well, the lighting is unnatrual but actually looks really nice on Toy Bonnie.
Second of all, if you're tired, it's alright to take a break, there's no need to stay up all night without sleeping just to finish a drawing that you could've probably done a bit later.
tnx u dude,you made my day <3
Wow that looks good! The shading is awsome, lines are frickin gorgeus, the detail especially on the face is so nice. And the fairy thing has a •w• face, which is just precious.
Biggest of thanks, yo.
That's preety fucking gorgeus. The Nightmare Heart especially just looks so good.
Thanks so much, I put a lot of effort into the nightmare heart!
That looks absolutely amazing! I like how the art is pixelated but still feels like a non-pixeled piece, it's really interesting.
Thanks! Originally I wanted this to turn out like "what would Lycanroc look like in gens 3-5?", but the sprite got too big for that, haha! Might try again later sticking to the proper sizing.
You fricking genious. That is a really good idea. Though a bit of lighting would help, and some of the lines look very bad, this is overall a preety good drawing.
Thanks bro I actually can up with this while playing sword and shield
I like how you went for a diffrent style with this one, it definitely looks good.
Thanks bud!
That is a lot of time, and that is a gorgeus resoult.
thanks so much!
That actually looks kinda incredable. Your lighting skills somehow improved, which I thought was imposible considering how good they were before. The lines, still, would use some work, but the rest does make it a lot better.
Tankssssssss :D
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Joined on 1/31/21