Oh yeah thas really cool that! You're that one really really gay person, right?
Oh yeah thas really cool that! You're that one really really gay person, right?
i'm a little less gay now but i'm still up and kickin! (and liking men on the side)
Oh did she die, and now Olivia is carying her dead corpse around, thinkin she's asleep? Like, I see those walls, they are not the house walls!
Lol, while I do appreciate how dark that would be... I just did a small time skip to the library.
Now you see, THIS is where my non-reading of the first 150-some pages pays off - in the parts I did read, it never said that they were together, so maybe something happend in early stages of the dream that stopped it. Finally, my stupied plan worked!
They are also learning about this for the first time (Well, Olivia is, Andrea's still passed out), so the confusion is shared.
And then current Andrea wakes up...
A classic.
Oh wow, they actually did gay. Didn't really expect that, but now I actually recognise the diffrent outfits now, you should've done this current to past side to side comparisen earlier!
That actually would have been a good idea, doing the side-by-side earlier. I'll keep it in mind for the future when I'm putting similar characters in one scene. Learning!
That was a bit confusin over there, I thought the last page was current day Olivia asking Andrea what the ting was years later.
Haha yeah. I put them in different outfits, but it's still bound to be confusing with two of each character.
"And then they gay!"
It could be. (It definitely could be.)
Yea mate, she's gonna be fiiiiiiiiiinne, there's a respawn gimick in this ting!
She's such a worrywart.
Oh I forgot it was 4/20. Neat art, even if I can't see half of it.
Yea i made half of it smoke covering his face cuz idk, thats how smoking workz ig, thank you as always!!
Her face feels oddly wet, and a specific kinda cold and warm. Like it's bleeding, though everything is fine.
Oh no. That's not good.
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21