Aye, that is very nice! The hand looks like a bagel, but that looks nice!
Also, that person you're art trading with doesn't seem to have posted any art, like, ever, which seems kinda strange to me.
Aye, that is very nice! The hand looks like a bagel, but that looks nice!
Also, that person you're art trading with doesn't seem to have posted any art, like, ever, which seems kinda strange to me.
I miss theme.
But thanks bobsky❤️
Somehow, it feels like this is about to become Madness Combat.
There will be blood! Maybe.
Oh no mate, ya okay? Whas happenin dude?
Just my current mood. I'll be fine.
No way, an actual woman, not a femboi? Das rare! Still looks hella nice!
I draw other things
Oh yeah, cats have hella hearing, and bnuuy's have hella ears. That is indeed problematic, but atleast whatever they wake up to, they still got the exit key.
It might be a bit until they get to use this key... but they have it.
Somehow looks gayer than usual. I do not know how.
Thank you lmao
Aye by the way Geck man, if you have 2 alts of an art, you can do a thing on NG where you post one as the main imige and put the other in the descruption, that second one loads just fine without any resolution downgrades or anytin like that, it's specificly so arts with 5 bilion alts don't fill up half the day's uploads.
Not sure if it works with postybirb, and if you need to divide between age ratings like on this one then fair enought, but ya should try it next time ya do sometin like this!
Copied that, thanks for suggestion!!
Aye, I just realised, you've been tagging this pink world as "nightmare", but only after the 2 have exited the barn. Das a strange lil detail, tho I guess the corpse of a baby bird makes that fair enought.
Yup! I wondered if someone would notice that. I try to remember to add "nightmare" to my tags once it applies / is about to apply to the situation.
Ayo thas so very good! The tree thigies on the sides, and the shades on the water and charcter, and the floofy lassie herself, all is soo really good!
Now what's concerning is how you posted 2 alts with an E rating, yet your art count DEFINITLY went up by more than 2. Ya horni hecker.
Edit: ye, I figured ya did a horni once again, I can't stop you from doin so tho, and I know how well it pays, so it's fair enought as far as I'm aware!
Thank you and sorry Bopsky but the other two alts can't fit into E rating XD
Yeah, I don't know how to read notes, so it's kinda hard to get this song to match up with the lyrics, but still, it is such a cool concept to do this kinda ting, felt like "the legend" from Deltarune,
And again mate, thank you for doin something like this, possibly the most creative thing I've seen in a comic like, ever!
Haha yeah, I knew it would be a difficult thing to ask of my readers. bit still did it just in case someone could make sense of it.
It would be better if I could sing or had practice with UTAU/Vocaloid.
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21