well, I already said my thank-you's and bye-bye's last page, so I can't really go on a big climacitc monolouge here like you did. But uhhh, this comic was definitly a lot more than just "a thingie [[som3 b odY]] did", I always knew there would be a new page whenever I came on and it was comforting. Good memes were had, I replaced your understandably anonymus name with Spamton talk, renamed your clown and lizards, and complained about age filters - what fun! And then Tyhonhood and WarehouseBunnie came along, and it was an even better reading expierience with a very smol and cozy community of other people reading. The ability to talk to you, [[th3 1 who puLLLs 7he Stri ngs]] while the story was still going was also something I never could have expierienced with any other story, it made it so much more interactive and fun!
I guess I did just go on a big climacitc monoluge. Peck!