Not gonna lie, the brown parts on his body make him look like a part ground type.
Not gonna lie, the brown parts on his body make him look like a part ground type.
I sure wonder what will be the typing of his next evolution! ;D
Can he even move?
Yes but slowly
Ah yes, posing in front of
Honestly, I see no reason to not be proud of this great drawing, even if it is blurry drawing it like that must've taken a lot of work. Also the umbrella having the colours of that one flag is a genious idea.
awhh thank you sm!! :'))
Geez, this looks truly amazing. Honestly, the amount of detail is kinda staggering.
Ooh heck, the one on the right is getting absolutely anhilated.
Quite ironic, when her Victory theme is called "Obliteration".
You could probably make these into actual Mitopia characters after if you tried hard enought!
Oh I did, they were OCs before miitopia.
No wonder this got vpted, it looks fricking adorable and extreamly vibrant as well!
Thank you ^w^ they were fun colors to use.
Also I'm a little new here, what does vpted mean?
Yes. ,,Fine art" would be precicesly how I would describe this imige.
As fine as it can get-
OwO that is gorgeus, the realistic detail is truly something to behold!
Aww thanks!
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21