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Woah-ho! What is this? Far smoother, less blurry lineart! I see improvement! Hooray!

Actually, depending on who ya ask, this could be an improvement, or a sidegrade, or somethin worse. That type of lineart ya used was a very iconic part of yer style, changing it is quite significant, and some could actually say they prefer your older lines. But it is kinda about what you think is better, in the end.

STearleArt responds:

Ty! I like to blur my lineart to help make it look neater

{Immenent Death}
{Press [[□]] to Quick-Dive}

I'm still convinced parts of this world work with videogame rules, like definitly this imment death thing and all the respawn stuff too, at least.

24HoursSleeping responds:

I had the thought once upon a time to do it as a game, but I don't think I'd have ever gotten it done.

I'm sorry mate, I know it's rude ta point and laugh, but what da HELL is that Andrea pose ROFL! Why is she givin a thumbs up with the hook hand? What perspective is that from? The back, clearly, but it's so weirdly warped! What are her legs doin?! Why is her ear cut off? What da heccccccccc

(Again, sorry if this sounds rude or hurt ya feelins)

24HoursSleeping responds:

The ear got nicked earlier... but I think it may be the wrong one in that panel. And I like to work with weird/exaggerated poses, lol

Oh hey, it's that mask! The vegetable looking one that is actually made of ceramicz! I still wonder what ya did to make it look so much like a creation of compost, though that feeling definitly goes away in the drawing you made of it. Now it looks more like the skull of King Julien from Madagascar with that little helment thing still on. That's not to say it's overly terrible, though!

FTerracciano responds:

Well, I made that mask in middle school with my art teacher and I painted it with watered down colors to give it that effect you say. Yes, there is a slight resemblance to Julien, except that those are bandages and not leaves, in any case thanks for the comment.


Honestly mate, ya were the last person I expected ta draw these characters - ya usually do little critter animals, maybe a character from a popular cool animation, but never doodez like them's lot!

STearleArt responds:

Ty! I really liked UT need to play it again sometime :)

Andrea's gonna get her lucid dreamin powahs through the sheer anger of not being able to land a hit.

"Oi 'Livia, fir Fok's sake, stop dodgin' me attacks lass! Foken 'eel mate, try dodgin this!" and then pulls some bullshift like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqZsliFvWrU

24HoursSleeping responds:

She'll land a hit some day!

Ok, so it's not (Y) to parry, it's (B) to dodge. Doesn't change the fact that Andrea's getting warning popups now, still like a videogame. But she could do some coollookin stuff with this... "ability", and that's what we're here for!

Also, did she just miss a counterattack? Or is Olivia talkin to herself?

24HoursSleeping responds:

Missed a counterattack. Andrea doesn't seem to be quite convinced of her own ability yet, but it certainly has Andrew spooked.

Ah, nice! The first one is ENA https://www.newgrounds.com/series/ena , the 2nd I'm preety sure ya already showed off, but it's made outta some strange reflective material (also quite impractical, how would ya see through those lined eyeholes), and the 3rd looks like it's made of vegetables or compost, while not looking disgusting or rotten!

FTerracciano responds:

Thank you! Well first of all, the one made of reflective material is simply silver paper and then you can see through the eye hole (I made it), the one that you say looks like vegetables is ceramic. The last one is a double face of expressions, have you ever seen the sad and happy Greek masks? They are fused together.

W-what the HELL is this?! A popup?! What's next, press (Y) to parry? I imagine it is, this deosn't seem like the time of press (BTN_OPTIONSBTN) to continue from checkpoint.

24HoursSleeping responds:

"Oh no Andrea's (Y) button isn't working"

Well that's certantly a strange and funky creature! It would be nice to see them in a bit of a lighter background, even at max brightness (AHHH FEK MY EYES) it's still kinda hard to make out all her details. Also, I don't understand that blob thing fully, if ya could explain on it a bit?

KaTCakE01 responds:

The blob thing is like parasite, but it's more like a spirit thingy and like she got corrupted by it



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