Cut the line with the finger? Oh, dat's gonna have some... effects.
Cut the line with the finger? Oh, dat's gonna have some... effects.
Her idea is a little... weirder. Or maybe not. They're both pretty weird.
fools... Idiots even! Bafoons! Mindless husks! Or worst of all - smelly sillies!
victims of wholesome smartnessn't
cool art tho:3
Gotta get the merch up early ^^'
[His age, unkown]
[Age: 18]
Well pick a faken side brotha!
Forget to add (?) next to his age :3
Aye, this is diffrent. The shading is wayyyy higher quality than your usual arts. When you posted this, I just thought you made some massive breakthrough with how to shade, but then your next art just has regular shading. Is it the case that all other commisioned drawings you made recently have what you consider simple shading, and on this one the purchaser forked over the extra cash for maximum super elite DX plus & knukcles tier shading for the PS5, and this imige is just your full powah?
Thanks Bopsky!!
Huh, alright. By the way, if you ever want to post "alternative" versions of an art, you can put additional images into the descroption of the basic art. Should make it easier for people to look at your stuff.
I will do it
I feel like she's about to turn around, ad we're about to find out.
Or I could just let it stew in peoples' brains a while. That would be rude of me. (That's the one. That's the thing I did.)
Woah, that must've been interesting, sitting there and screaming at your monitor while drawing these 2 cute gals hanging out in the sky. Also yeah, happy b-dayz to botha ya!
Edit: ah, alright, I got confused
No I didn’t scream at the monitor the woal time, I ment stressed out.
Does that make sence?
Also, now that the day has passed, if I may ask, what didya get for your birthday, what did you do?
Another person with the same birthday as me
Andrew The Cat! dead. :(
In one way or another.
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21