Damn mate das a shitpost? And das Polandball? Damn mate it doesn't look like it, does look so super great tho! Really like this new style of yours, I know I say that with every enw artstyle ya do but they're all so much better than the last!
Damn mate das a shitpost? And das Polandball? Damn mate it doesn't look like it, does look so super great tho! Really like this new style of yours, I know I say that with every enw artstyle ya do but they're all so much better than the last!
Thanks man, I was working on the art style for a bit,
Mate, whenever I watch an art tutorial I keep hearing that you can't get wayyy better just overnight, and then I see somethin like this and I wonder when the hell you learnt to make your arts this much better.
I've been drawing for 13 years my art style just varies a lot haha
Damn mate you seem really happy about bein able ti draw this floofy inidvidual, and they are indeed very cool!
She is!! The moment i saw her ref sheet i felt i needed to draw her!!!
I mean like mate, if ya wanna be a girl ya can always pull a transgender, it is a preety big decision but that is a thing ya can do.
Ee the character in the art isn't me or is related to me in anyway hehe
It's just an art based on a silly song
Still thank you
Holy peck mate she's still alive? Mate she stopped postin to NG soooooo long ago, mate I thought sometin happend to her! Hell ye tho, she's not dead!
I guess not! 😅
Oh that be llokin like fullon guts. Quite a lot to put under some snow, ain't the best way to hide it.
I didn't make this work so gore and pulp when I made it. XD
Oh thas that old account with the bonnie drawin I first saw ya on! Also mate, seems ya inproved so much I can't even find that old drawin, or it was m rated.
Thanks,it's not even m rated tho,it's like way down
Oh no you ok man? Is sometin happenin to ya? Or is this just a really creeoy art ya made?
Relax, mate. It's just an opera made from a comic gore with this wolf become insane because the worms take his head and control him. You never hear the word "He had worms in his head (in layman's terms: he was getting weird ideas)?
I mean, [[artist]], you're the [[artist]], so ya know if ya draw this guy smiling before. A;so, clown has all of 2 freinds, since Olivia likes him aswell! Mate what a lengend!
This Clown is going up in life!
Yo mate this looks like it was made in Minecraft, or it's a really well done digital drawing! I know it is just bedsheets, but it looks way diffrent!
Thank you! I simply stacked the sheets on top of each other on the white bedspread, then got on a stool and took the picture but I'm happy that the result gave this impression.
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21