Hell yeah boii!
Hell yeah boii!
Welp, that kid wasn't there for long. Or explained at all, atleast yet.
It will be explained: eventually. Or, at least, it'll make sense if you come back to these pages, eventually.
Yeah school is hella annyoin and demotivating, it is the weekend now so the world is back to peace, get some rest in while you can.
Also, you did really well drawin Hank, didn't really think he'd look good in your style but nvm I guess
Yea, not sure if I'm burnt out making art for the internet.
And thanks man, although this isn't my normal style.
Yeah, there he do be. How the lil hecker got up there, and how I'm supposed to "follow to somethin good", I don't know.
Also of course this is a super incredable drawing with the greatest sky I've ever seen, but that's expected with your arts.
He loves teleporting :)
And thank u sm!!!
Yeah mate, it's cool you're representin your country like that! And, of course hella nice art.
Yeah I couldn't have guessed this from the previous page.
Also, is this comic about to start bein M-rated? Like, if there is a child, and it aint gettin aborted, that means it's gonna get birthed, and I'm not sure I could legally look at a page like that.
Lol, she'll be leaving through a door before any birthing takes place - I'd really rather not draw that anyways.
Wait, where are her ears? Are they covered up by the hair? Are those bigoll orange spheres stickin out her head supposed to be the ears? I am quite confused.
Ohhhh wait the title says eyes ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ye they're preety sick!
I guess. I don't remember she had any ears or even nose for that sake. Maybe she's not that character from Senran Kagura at all.
Who knows? Maybe she's quite sensitive about her eyes!
Woah what a wonderfull drawing! Very nice and detailed bg, and you definitly did the weather effects great!
Thank you so much
First, I ask for sum water.
Second, god damn is this a good art! All the colours and lights and the weird lil darkness catto are all so great and well made, gosh darn!
Thank you so much!
Holy [[bad word]] thas so many coloursssss
This is a really great art, hell yea!
Ah thank you so much! I had a ton of fun experimenting with the colors so it means a lot that people notice!
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21