You don't need a bed if your bestest freind is already bed-shaped! And they're most likely warmer and softer too, while also being your freind so you feel happy to be with em!
You don't need a bed if your bestest freind is already bed-shaped! And they're most likely warmer and softer too, while also being your freind so you feel happy to be with em!
His wife enjoys sleeping with him uwu
Yoo cool and stuff! Enviorment looks like a photo, but not enough like a photo to be perfect, which is a good thing, because I don't like perfection! And the characteros are nice and happy and cool and angels are awsome so hell yeahhhhhhh
You're old.
Ya, das a good logo. 92 isn't normally i your name, but it's common enough in other names to understand that you just meant your birth date being 1692.
And ya threw many random materials together, so it shows the variance you use! birthdate Is 1992 no 1692...and yeah,I have use many materials for build my logo,glad you like It!
Cool uhh, cat? Fish? "What is that, a woodpecker...?"
They look nice and cool and neat, what's that scar from tho?
That seems like a really odd angel. Like, everyone's got inpure thoughts and a not perfect heart, becouse perfection is just fuckin' boring. So I guess that could be an angel, ye. Just a really physical and fleshy one.
And what's fig 5 pointing at? What part do ya want all for yerself?
(Also don't kill angels something really terrible will probably happen if ya do)
Oh boy, I gotta see thid when I get home!
Cool art too, scary and stuff like that.
I HAAATEEE Christmas! And Sansa Clause! And gifts, and tress, and happiness and joy! It's all so terrible, h*ck Christmas! :angryface: :angryface: :angryface:
Okay, I usually don't have much of a reason to wuestion this, but this time I actually ahave to:
You got all those icecream sticks... how exactly? Why am I asking, it's obvious, from ice cream! But like, THIS much ice cream? F.Tastytreat, that's really REALLY unhealthy! Unless these are sticks gathered over many years, this is way too much sugar, you could get health problems!
Here, this can be helpful now.
Well,I am not the ONE eat ice cream during the Summer,no,there is even my mother and my father eat ice cream like magnum or fruit popsicle and I have ask to my mother tò clean and collect the sticks for me. For my health don't worry,two days on the week I go to the gym to run,weight lifting and abdominal exercises... Yesterday I have weighed myself on the scale and I weigh 82.4 kg and follow a diet! @TheyBopsky,thank you and don't worry for me!
They are smol! And cute! And you can't even see if the lack of limbs is diffrent from how normal ghosts do it!
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21