Dood, that's good! It's actually preety scary, and making a 16 page comic is really quite hard, so good job on finishing it, and thank you for doing so even after the contest deadline so people can see!
And I do hope your arm is okay now.
Dood, that's good! It's actually preety scary, and making a 16 page comic is really quite hard, so good job on finishing it, and thank you for doing so even after the contest deadline so people can see!
And I do hope your arm is okay now.
Thank and yeah arm is better now i was putting pressure on it but it all better now so keep making art
"I killed it
It's murda
Go crazy
Maaaaate, he looks like he's about to cast Bayoen!
Thanks to google I now know what Bayoen is, and wish I were better at puzzle games.
Ohhh hell yeah, I'm turning the M-rating on for this one!
It might be needed a couple times. I've been using the T-Rating more after looking at what other people use the M-Rating violence for; most of my stuff is probably too cartoony to deserve an M-Rating. (Most.)
Yooooo a Warrior Cat! It's very nice seeing you draw a kitty, they look cutesy, but knightly and strong, like a warrior cat should! Heck yeas!
I am very scared, and also very excited!
With this, it can only end in violence.
Dude, the leaves and the sword make em seem like a samurai; A Plauge doctor swordsman! Blackamgic alchemy & high level fencing in one!
Oh mate, Lylina, tell us all what song you think she's singing! Surely something special in such a sunny scenery!
Roar by Katy perry
Sleepie little cutie! The tail curling around her adds a lot to the cuteness!
Ah, in situations like this, I like to rely on meta clues to figure out how this stuff will turn out. Let's see here...
...not enough pages left for key characters to NOT be killed off, creator has proven they can do so, creator is also willing and able to draw blood and gore, and the current section is all about weird and unexpected things.
Well, I do believe I am out of ideas! We have nothing!
Yet again, the week of pages ends on a strange note.
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21