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The blocks...
Cut in the wrong direction.
The uhh,
the arrows say up.


That's not up.





Nice tail tho!

Aye, is intrestin, and maybe it'll let ya reuse this place again for the green area. Or if there was a green area early on, it's given a lore now! So I guess there is a point ti this after all.

24HoursSleeping responds:

I guess there was the acid place where Olivia died earlier, but that was a different looking green. Much different place, lol.

Bloody hell mate, put at least a T-rating next time! Scared the hecc outta me.

If ya look closely, there's still some bloody flesh connecting the leg together, so he'll be absolutely fiiinne! Just put some bones back in there and it'll heal up really quickly!

Yoo mate, what's yer flag about? Sounds preety neat!

Also, I don't hear or see any pride flag drama, and if there is, who the hecc cares! Ya can be yerself and stuff! :3

Raydrawsx responds:

Thank you for your interest!
I kinda made the flag when I was going through an edgy phase but since it's my own flag I get to change the meaning of it however I want. Honestly it's a flag more of my interests than anything but I also attach my gender and attraction identity on it.
It's in a flag shape similar to Nepal's flag since I'm bored of the same old colors in a line on a rectangle that every pride flag has. The same reason why there's images on it since I'm bored of just stripes of color. The boat signifies my interest in yachts and the pterodactyl symbolizes my interest in history and biology. And red's just my favorite color.
If you're wondering what my actual identities are I'm trans FTM and homosexual.

Yoo! Tracky! He's back! Les goo! EV3RY BUDDY 'S F4AVORITE [[Number 1 rated salesman 1997]], so good to see him again!

Also mate, have a fun camping trip, wherever you're going I'm sure it'll be fun and nice and warm, hope it's somewhere near water since that's always such a great time!

24HoursSleeping responds:

Had to cut it a little short, but it was fun! We were by a lake too, and our puppy loves water. He puts on a little life jacket and goes kayaking.

And yee, Clown will be pretty important for the next couple chapters!

Ooh, higher resolution! It's not even higher imige res, ya just drew more with a smaller pencil! Looks great, was probably a bit harder but worth it!

STearleArt responds:

Ty! I used biro's n' finerliners

Fugin' 'eel triple gay! Thas' a lot!

Also nice drawing, style is really neat and creative here and I like these colours!

Dear god... everything... like geniuanly, what exactly does "everything" intale? Did ya put another bagel on the everything bagel? Didya put like, ham AND jam? What limits have you broken?

Hehe, birb

Is cool, a bit blue but das cool too

STearleArt responds:

Crows are iridescent if you look at them in the sun they have flecks of purple and blues.



Your kitchen

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