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Oh mate am really sorry if you're tired, you should go and have a nap or go on a walk for a little bit if ya ain't feelin right, hopefully ya ain't ill pr artblock aint hittin ya yet

Tato1Toyo responds:

Artblock and local drama is killing me already, but thanks mate :]

? Why broken hearted, what happend mate? And what does that drawing haveta do with it? Are ya ok mate?

erectoner responds:

im in laurv with an emo garl </3

A heckimn masterpiece! Hella gorgeus bg and lighting, looks like a real forrest with the colours!

Also, bone deer.

Huh, first time the anwser to one of these was just "Heck if I know, dunno what you're askin me 4 mate."

Yeah, there is definitly some sorta lore here I ain't gettin, like I do not know who that is at all.

24HoursSleeping responds:

Character for a future project. I used to draw stuff for it a lot, but the comic has kind of taken over lately.

Aye mate, you did the background really well, and the small character in the big empty field thing has some sorta emotion envoking whatever ya call it thing to it! Neat!

Yoo, is that huge metal thing in the 3rd panel the bnuuy's whole arm? Das soo big if that is mate, very scary strength!

24HoursSleeping responds:

Dog has a loader arm on to swing his way-too-big hammer, and bunny's catching it. Her arm is an improved version of the arm he uses to lift the hammer; just permanently attached. She can lift several tons if needed, which is especially impressive given her 3'3" stature.

Wow mate that is hard to read! Ya did all that you could've preety much done with the boi, but some of this stuff ain't easy to understand

alsagecrystl responds:

Oops mate

Yeah, the SOUND of his VOICE that I can HEAR is definitly very unworried, I know this becouse I can HEAR the SOUND of his very unworried VOICE, in this visual representaion.

24HoursSleeping responds:

It SOUNDS like you got the idea.

Oh yeah thas really cool that! You're that one really really gay person, right?

imspaghetti responds:

i'm a little less gay now but i'm still up and kickin! (and liking men on the side)



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