Aye ye really nice! The hair seems a bit strange, and the orange floof doesn't really work too well on the bg, but generally neat lil set!
Aye ye really nice! The hair seems a bit strange, and the orange floof doesn't really work too well on the bg, but generally neat lil set!
Yoo ye mate do be really preety! And if that's a badge, that means there's probably a fursuit of this birb somewhere out there, and thas truly incredable! Or I' just gettin it wrong idk
Oh, nice little drawing. You drew the caffe asthetic really nicely!
Yooo that looks soo sick! All the lil details on the floor and the water, and Leafy looks so cool, tho I can kinda tell what you mean that you imagined em in a diffrent perspective. Still soo sick!
Thank you ! Also, I realised hours ago that I forgot another detail in the water. But I don't feel like fixing it again. x.x
Aye, doesn't look too diffrent from your character's normal hair, but yer character's normal hair is great, so thas fine!
The usual us more spiky and goes looking up, this one goes more down and is somewhat less big, tyyy as usual!!
Yooo Lackadaisy! Mate didn't know ya knew that thing,such a cute worried clinicly insane catto! :3
Thank you! I read the recently :D
Yo mate, just noticin, the clothes and limbs look hella good here, like remeberin back to your older arts this looks soo good!
Aye, nice cat, and nice job doing the loafed limbs, I can never comprehend the lhysics behind em.
Mate, draw Father Gregori, from Half Life Two. Thas my suggestion, mainly because I like Father Gregori, from Half Life Two.
Also mate, this pony looks like a Madness Combat Grunt! It's really neat actually! And the wings look so good!
"Supposed to"? [[artitst]], you had like, 15 pages to fix anything that was "supposed to" happen, ya could've drawn Andrea waking up at any point, what da heck!
Andrew would be quite upset with me if he knew I exist.
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21