Yeah, that seems alright.
AYO WAIT WAIT WAIT are they about to be tryna find 2 needles in a barn's worth of haystacks? I swear down [[artist]], ya gotta have planned for that right mate!
Yeah, that seems alright.
AYO WAIT WAIT WAIT are they about to be tryna find 2 needles in a barn's worth of haystacks? I swear down [[artist]], ya gotta have planned for that right mate!
Don't worry, no haystacks. What's in the barn is... I'm not sure if it's better or worse. Probably easier to find than in haystacks, but more work.
I mean like holy heck! The head armour is a tad strange, but overall the drawing's too good for me to be sain anytin bad bout it!
Holy shied they so cuteeee and well drawn!!
Funnily enought, this doesn't fully fit on my phonescreen. You's got a bigass phone mate!
Yooo mate das so good tho! Very nice lil spriteset!
I'm thinkin, and I specificly went back to check, pages 340 & 341 have a tree in the bg, so even despite lil babie form, couldn't they get twigs as temporary clock arms?
The Clock has his dignity! Twigs simply will not do.
Oh no, dude ya ok? If yer worring about anything, ya can tellme, imma try to help ya all I can mate!
I'm fine but thanks for caring!
Yooo dlc? Is it gonna be an update or a seprate upload? Cause if it aint confusing to get to like all of the main game, then hell yeah das sick!
it will be an update to be more easy :)
(Iiiiiii su-ppose, hey!)
Edit: (Hey, hey, hey, hey!)
Yeah yeah yeah!
Ye mate far more robtic indeed! The transision from robot to anthro fur is kinda sudden, but I'm sure ya can work that out later!
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21