Damn, guess despite baby form's combat limitations, they'll have to catch these hands.
Damn, guess despite baby form's combat limitations, they'll have to catch these hands.
When hands needs catching they need catching.
Ye did do the perspective well mate, kinda strange mates floatin on sum space rock tho
Yea didnt got anything to put as floor so, anyways, appreciated!
Ya mat das really neat! Does definitly look like yer main oc, ya could say like "oh das a thing the oc can just do whenever" and be on yer way, but it depends if ya wanna draw this again or naw
I think i could make it as a separate persona? Im still not sure tho
Oh wowie mate das nice! The softer shading is certantly noticible, and does indeed look far cooler, also the shinies in the bg are so beutiful aswell!
Ah, so that's whatchu meant when you said these pages are gonna be hard to make- ya have to makeem rhyme now! Ah welp, good luck with that mate!
That and adjusting to the temporary new drawing style for Andrea and Olivia. I'm more than 20 pages ahead of this though, so soon I'll have to get used to the normal style again!
Well, atleast the quality of your art hasn't decreased- I can only wish you that your health will be back to normal soon enought thought.
That is some really big words, also that - at the end kiiinda gives away what will happen in a minute, but once this whole comic is completed, it'll make sense to be there.
Yeah. Andrea knows what's comin'.
Ah, finally! About time.
It's all about time.
Did ya know strawberries grow on cows?
Or was it cows grow outta strawberries?
Ah whatever, is cute eighter way!
I mean like mate, that is really adorable! Hope ya 2 had a good time then!
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21