Heck ye mate, very nice! The yellow and blue do look kimda strange, but if ya were forced to use them for this one then it's preety cool!
Heck ye mate, very nice! The yellow and blue do look kimda strange, but if ya were forced to use them for this one then it's preety cool!
You litterly told me 2 pages ago that little babies aren't good for fighting, how did Olivia miss that!
I guess they don't read the comments.
Wait a moment... that logo- bad, uhh, bird?
I think it's a sports team or something. Idk I just drew what the client wanted. *shrug*
Cant tell if das a midlle finger or a full hand wave, eighter way very very cool drawing! Water is super well done!
Woah! They look like Fuecoco, but much cooler!
Oh wow that is really really nice! Ya draw proto beans quite a lot, and mate you are so damn good at it!
That is all I have to say.
Smol lil bubblie water doggie! Thas so cute mate, no idea what a Bluey or a waterdog is but that ain't stoppin it's cuteness!
Bluey is a very cute kid show
A waterdog is a dog breed
Oh heck I missed this drawing. That explains why ya weren't uploading for so long, unfortunate I only found it now, I very much hope that hard thing is alredy finished and gone thorught.
Thank you! Things are going better than they were. Got a lot done on the comic in the meantime, so I have a lot of pages to get us through.
What man sent little BABIES to fight me?! Hahah!
Fighting is probably not an option in LITTLE BABY form.
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21