Damn mate das a really great lookin art! And also yeah, do eat brekfast, probably a bit late for this but you can ask a freind to borrow you lunch if you're about to pass out.
Damn mate das a really great lookin art! And also yeah, do eat brekfast, probably a bit late for this but you can ask a freind to borrow you lunch if you're about to pass out.
Smol Hank, he smol, he wamt chiken nuggies.
Yo nice art! Looks wayy diffrent from all your others, even if you're messin around with bew stuff this is a big change! And hella nice too!
Yeah, there he do be. How the lil hecker got up there, and how I'm supposed to "follow to somethin good", I don't know.
Also of course this is a super incredable drawing with the greatest sky I've ever seen, but that's expected with your arts.
He loves teleporting :)
And thank u sm!!!
This frontpged? NO? HOW?!
Oh, silly smallboi, they ain't feedin you, the inkling's exchanging fish for food.
Yeah mate, it's cool you're representin your country like that! And, of course hella nice art.
Yeah I couldn't have guessed this from the previous page.
Also, is this comic about to start bein M-rated? Like, if there is a child, and it aint gettin aborted, that means it's gonna get birthed, and I'm not sure I could legally look at a page like that.
Lol, she'll be leaving through a door before any birthing takes place - I'd really rather not draw that anyways.
Welp, even if this bean can't do captchas, they can sure as hell look adorable, and les be honest, das wayy more important.
Wait, where are her ears? Are they covered up by the hair? Are those bigoll orange spheres stickin out her head supposed to be the ears? I am quite confused.
Ohhhh wait the title says eyes ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ye they're preety sick!
I guess. I don't remember she had any ears or even nose for that sake. Maybe she's not that character from Senran Kagura at all.
Who knows? Maybe she's quite sensitive about her eyes!
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21