And yeah, hell yeah, of course Trans Rights! A lot!
And yeah, hell yeah, of course Trans Rights! A lot!
I am really NOT understanding these pages. Sure, Andrea goes "Lucid", I can understand that, and that form makes her take off the eyepatch and gain as much powah as Andy did; that makes sense; but what happemnd last page, and here too? Was that a pov of Andy getting smacked with the bat after attempting to do some magic thing with the hand flip, and now proceeding to do the Pufferfish Grimm attack from Hollow Knight? I'm just kinda confused as to what's going on, it's clearly an epic battle, but I just cannot see in what way it is epic.
Ah- the bat swing was just her breaking the spikes. This is just Andrew making more spikes.
Wowie, magical pony princess! It really is so shiny and colourfull and sparklez and stuff, really floofy aswell! X3
"In class"? Oh, you's taking art classes now? Das amazing mate! Will be great seeing you improve!
I’m a senior art major. I’ll graduate in May.
Gah! It has been too long since I'd seen the smoothness of your soft tails, Gecc man! Oh, you can just tell that tail warms your heart as soon as you touch it, I gotta figure out how to draw tails like you do Geckie!
Seriously, though, that little effect of the light reflecting off the tail... what brush do you use for that?
Thanks Bopsky!!
I used a pencil-like brush to draw those highlights, but it could be any kind of brush as long as you know how to draw them :3
"-but you know who AAAAALLLLLLLSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOO is in extreame pain right now? MY MOM! And... YOUR MOM! And I'll do it for her!"
Combining the poweres of "your mom" and "my mom" insults, Andrea created an explosion that wiped both Andy, her, The lizard people multiple dreams away, and all of Andrea's body and organs, Remember, use insults responsibly.
The prophecy; the "our mom" joke.
Dude, he looks like he's jetpacking with his guts!
"Alrightie, I gotta go."
-proceeds to dispence all organs at a rapid pace to propell himself backwards-
mmmwweelll, you just did. They look gay, but that is a good thing in cat design.
Ahhhh yeas! It's that one kitten who was asking for walkies last year! Oh yeas, they are as kitten and cat as ever! And with a longer tail, flipping over the cum bucket for some reason...?
Also, it's really really amazing to see another art from you! It has been quite some time, I even think I figured out why - you've got students finals soon, don't ya, Gecc man? I can fully understand being offline often in this case, and I definitly wish you good luck on them, whatever it may be you're studying! If it's art, you've already won! If it's not, the greatest lucks in learning it! And let me know how they go after finishing, Geckie!
Thank you Bopsky!!
...are ya EpicStickman/Epicpump? i feel like I recognise ya, from a time not so long, but still bygone.
And if it ain't you, then you're similar to a preety cool person I once knew.
i'm actually that guy
it's just that i deleted my old account because
i didn't liked it alot due to the arts that i made on that time
but hi there! glad to know that you remembered me!
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21