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That is a very inresting log indeed, good thing it missed botha ya. Really large aswell, if each branch truly was the size you describe it as, and assuming Pup's the size of, well, a puppy, the tree itself was huuuge too.

Also mate, stupendous shading, doing this stuff on an irl photo is really hard, in forrests especially, but looks great when ya do it properly, which you did! Ggggrrrrrrrrreeeaaaatttttttt job!

Yoooo I remember that cat creature! You drew 'em an inexplicetly stated amount of time ago! Now they have a galxy tail, always soo gorgeus to see, have a gf, and look like a femboy! Ah, how much can change in such a short time!

SieDorran responds:

Thanks Bopsky XDD

Ah, ya ran outta materials, didya? Well, ya did find the eye eventually, I suppose. Or is that edited in in that 2nd image? That's eighter a very bright bottle cap, or it's edited in.

FTerracciano responds:

Well no, I have as many materials as you want, I'm spoiled for choice. However, I drew the eye with an image retouching program, it is not a bottle cap.

Aye? Jack had a case? Since when? Was it just brought up really early, and I never saw it? Is my lack of knowladge finally showing it's weakness?

24HoursSleeping responds:

Yee, the little black thing on his chest. You barely missed the last mention of it, it was page, like, 90-something. To summarize, something shocking is in the box, but when he closes it everyone forgets what was inside. Including Clown; he just knows he doesn't like it.



JACK TROCKY'S UNCLE, JACK HORSE???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

24HoursSleeping responds:

Secret unlockable Clown.

They asked for xtra mushrooms on their pizza, and didn't tip the waiter, now look how that plan turned out for em!

Ah, there he is! As empty-eyed, single-celled and generally-not-too-smart as ever! Thanks mate, tho I must ask, what didya borrow them for in this case?

StilioKAcquadolce responds:

to play with my cats

Well, they certantly look more threatning than the original cookie. Kiiinda scarie actually.

StilioKAcquadolce responds:

i know uwu

Very noice, kinda hard to distinguish the entire bottom half of the draeing since it's all black, but if I could actually see it'd be really great!

StilioKAcquadolce responds:

ye i know,i did have to make some things darker to not mix everything up,but i just made a mess lol

Ah, did we now?

...did we?

Das preety cool if it is a repeat, and once again, my powers of not being around 500 pages ago prove unmatched!

24HoursSleeping responds:

Yup. I thought it'd be fun to see how I've improved since then.



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