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Ah hell, what problem lead you to make this? The tags say "depression"... I guess a way to fix that could be to find people you trust and talk to them, do healthy things that you enjoy doing (like making something, I guess you alresdy have art, huh)

Generally, things will turn out better eventually, it will take a time, and I guess you already know how it hurts, but there's soo much awsome stuff after that pain, I can kinda say I know from expierience, so just don't give up, please!

BytchBytez responds:

I have trouble with regulating my emotions on occasion and sometimes certain things stress me out and overwhelm me. I have my good days and my bad days but at least in more recent times I'm in a better place than I was years ago. I have a good support system of family and friends who are there for me and I have an outlet to express those negative feelings whenever I do experience them i.e. vent art.

While I do appreciate the concern for my well-being, I assure you, I'm not throwing in the towel anytime soon. :)

Another amazing birdie-dog! As cute and cool and well designed and fun coloured as ever!

Also, you're gonna be doing artfight?! Oh, you're gonna get an attack from me that you cannot help but revenge! And then I'll get a cool drawing I'll stare at and be happy! Ho-hah! My master paln has no faults! >:3

OdinAx0501 responds:

Yeah! I love hybrids and bright colors ^^ I already want it to be struggle art day

What is it they're holding?

It's got veins... looks like a deflated sausage... a part of their own digestive system...? Their cut-off c○ck...?

Oh, ya know, anatomy-wise, the legs are a bit short and feel like they're on the same... elevation? as the rest of the body...

But the art is so good, how can I complain?! The colours, and effects, I do love good effects, is really hackimng good! \^w^/

reyamily responds:

alas! the angle i tried to do was something i wasn't used to. she's supposed to be leaning back and looking up too.

something i've gotta keep in mind for next time. thank you for commenting!

It's good to give your internal organs a bit of air sometimes...

Now, to get them back in, that's a problem!

AAHHHHH YEAS LOVING HUGGIE!!! yeah, that is super nice, and being around can be super helpful to your freinds too!

And I wanna huggo now, but I am ill and cannot legally hug, "Doctour's orders!"
Gah... v~v

Yeah okay that's preety foken scary. Like... I really hope that never haplens to me, but it's onea them things, it somehow feels like it could.

Normally I look at scary gore stuff and think "God, that is so disgusting and unpleasent...yessss~" but this is actually scary. Like I don't wanna look at this.

SloppyStinko responds:

Thanks Broski, I was going for cursed and horrifying!

I was tryna remember what Sonic game a character that this one reminds me of, comes from, and somehow I got Sonic 3D Land: Sonic Plows Land, for the 3DS and also Iphone...? Somehow...?

Nah, taking off your signature clothes before a shower is for L0000SERRSSS!!!

GustavIAm responds:

Ong tho, so true!



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