Punched out his teeth or beat his nose until it hardly worked? Eiighter is preety fun, and it's good to know the beaten one is having fun as well, that's important.
Punched out his teeth or beat his nose until it hardly worked? Eiighter is preety fun, and it's good to know the beaten one is having fun as well, that's important.
Hell yeah 👅
Oh hey, blood and knife boy in a suit. By the eyes ya can tell he really likes tortures and kills, like, really a lot! That's cool. Hope his killings go well.
Awsome shiby space crow! Yeah the pinks and the blues abd the fact that it's a frigin charm really do look nice!
That's definitly the kinda setup only a very cool person cpuld think of
See, this always happens, "Ah yes [[aquaintence]] asked me to drink this unlabled drink whilst I wear small and easily rippable clothing", and there's a whole sequence after that and the coolest horni stuff imaginable happens - noone ever explains how the potion is made though. Like, what did they throw in the mysterious porn drink that [[aquaintence]] made? Gimme the indgredient list, I wanna make one myself damnit!
That's... so many cars. Didn't know there were that many. I thought there was just the one.
Thas a lotta soup boi. Ya gonna keep doing this for expectedly ever?
No before I left off at 100, and then picked it back up until 150, this time I'm going until 200 and I'll decide if I'll ever do daily Soup Boy again many months later
Well, that's very good to know. There's probably a cyoher of sorts here, but I have no hopes if decosing it ever.
lol there is its mainly a message to my friend saying something nice mainly
but thank u lol
Passed out and fallen and dead
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21