Woah, that is one MOIST BOI! Look at allat! How didya do that? School's gonna flood before the demons kill everyone!
Woah, that is one MOIST BOI! Look at allat! How didya do that? School's gonna flood before the demons kill everyone!
What copy ability does someone get, if they eat Kirby?
I know in smash bros, kirby can't eat kirby, since kirby's neutral B is the same as kirby's neutral B, and others can't get copy abilities, but what if someone that can get them were to nom the boi?
Hey, I fell like I've seen that thumbnail before...
And before...
And before...
and before.
Yeah, tha... you... you know you don't have to, uhh, reupload the whole comic everytime you make a new page, right? Do you... do you not know that...? I can tell it's not postybirb fucking things up eighter, since you're not using that...
I guess jsut, don't do that?
Oh and yeah, cool art too ofc.
That's a really cute hotdog pup, but I just... the description is in comic sans. And I know why it is, I know it is only like that for me and noone else, and I know you don't believe me, it is so distracting I cannot focus on the dog, I'm sorry
But yeah, cool hot and cool dog I guess
thanks for the observation!!
Dude, I just ate half a rice-and-apple cake thingie, couldya not? Now I wanna eat the other half! That's not healthy!
That steak is steamy and gigantic and red and cool...
No! I'm not looking that! I don't wanna eat my second rice-and-apple cake thingie too!
Gah! I will now have to go and blacklist the food tag.
lmao xd
The kid of "Rook Demolisher" is a rook. That's somethin. And not highly armoured, I know it's for horni, reasons, but armour seems preety obvious to bring for someone as un-agile as a rook piece
Okay soooooooooooo
I... don't know...
If the world is too beutiful for you to handle, then you can go out into the world slowly, so that it isn't too much, and then get to see more and more of this awsomeness and beauty the more you try;
Don't do selfharm, that's preety obvious, I know it makes you feel like
but there are other ways of doing that, thing is I don't know what they are, but if you can find them then it's preety sick;
I don't... know what theat 3rd image means. I might not be meant to.
And yeah, every day feels the same is indeed a thing that happens. You need to make it so it doesn't do that, like by doing something new that doesn't feel the same, I went around and on walks a bunch and I can take freinds onto those walks too and I can play fast music and run around on those walks, and I'm not even going anywhere just wherever the path I wanna follow goes, and seeing these new places is really fun and awsome and helps with that feeling a lots, so I guess try that, I guess
I was hoping for laser eyes and lazer guns and generally lots of lasers! What da hecc, this isn't an upgrade if it doesn't include lasers, lasers are cool... QwQ
it probably could use more lasers
Is that supposed to be some lassie's burnt corpse? That's honestly, like... not... good...
I don't remeber how you make freshly burnt corpses, but I don't think this is quite it. I think what you did was use an airbrush, or some other partially transparent thing, for the burnt stain effect and also the multiple layers of yellow-orange-red, and then started removing some of thier edges with a regular eraser, and now some of the stains end neatly, and others like the huge one between her eyes are just...weirdly cut.
"Why is he blue?"
Why would he not be blue? By the same logic, why are you brown? And why not be brown? So many questions!
shiny pokemon are much more rare in this universe than the usually in regular pokemon
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21