Whoopsie doo!
Whoopsie doo!
Yooooo mate thas so sick! The fire around Darniel just looks so fugin cool! Mate I wanna see this in an actual mod!
Thank u mate!
Cake sighted, Madness required, violence aquired.
Thas quite good, it does look kinda like a vent art (and if it is, then mate, you can talk to me, I gotchu) and the broken eye being blacked out is a very nice lil detail, even if not little in the slightest.
Thank you mate :3 i drew the black eye thing because I was to lazy to draw to other eye lol
Yeah, Swatch and the Swatchlings are soo very cool, and this human version is super sick aswell, thought it kinda looks like that one greedy tv guy from the Kirby anime.
lol,he does look like him tho
Welp, atleast you know where to run now!
They have many choices! Any direction but that one.
Are you ok mate?
i mean, im mentally ill af but i'm living in a safe environment where i'm looked after and supervised most of the time lol
Oh heck yes that is adorable. And it's even better ans sweeter if you made it for someone!
I have never actually seen you before, but this sure is really good! The shading feels very much like HK!
Litterly just "remember my loved one, dying is gay". And it's absolutely gorgeus!
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21