Doesn't have to keep that bandage on if it's just a dream, right?
If Andy's been fused with MEAT, he should just be able to yoink the bat out of Andrea's hands. I know he won't, that'd be annoying, but he could.
Also, Bitch Rabbit. That's a new insult from now on, a level above calling someone a whore.
Andrea better keep a tight grip there.
And Bitch Rabbit, now official.
Ah yeas, warm cuddlie blankie burrito! For the coldest of nights, burrito yourself and a fweimd in one blankie to warm your hearts also! ^w^
Oh das frigin adorable!
Thanks fren, I believe I've found the formula for these: small bodies, big heads
Woah, alrightie! I imagine they're not a freindly dream, given the bloodied mouth, I really don't know what you could do for em. Only thing I can think of is a hug!
Despite everything that's happend, and happenin right now, it's still you.
I'm just... silently beholding. I wasn't really sure what was goin on, how Olivia suddenly turned, Andrea doing that "Lucidifing" thing, all that, but this sentence makes it make sense. Through all this, I did compleatly forget - It is just a dream, in the end. And anything can happen, sense and reason or not.
Also, I would like to think that Andrea calmed down and got healed a little bit after being impaled by that one spike becouse the doctours in the real world saw her heart rate yeet into 2024 bpm and gave her some calming drug that is now helpin her in this dream, along with a lil kiss from her worried mother.
Andrea is going to go full lucid soon... but it manifests a little differently than it does in Andrew. This nice little reminder is probably what she needed.
Yeah, d'ja know what Limôn, I think I might need that, a little bit, a lot, extreamly, please amd thamkies.
It sure is a shame there are no boats he's building. You should draw the boat bulider buliding a boat! That would be very cool! :3
Grrr I hate the battle catz they are evil and bad and terrible and I kill them allllllllll
Nah jk, but also, very great art! Fun perspective, and very fun lights!
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21