That face is the sweetest face I have ever seen. He's so happy and blushy like heck yes!
That face is the sweetest face I have ever seen. He's so happy and blushy like heck yes!
Can you do that? If you can just tell a patinet to heck off in this kinda situation then that's actually kinda hillarious, but also kinda sad that they can demand to leave with a serious injury.
Patient's can leave against medical advice (AMA as we call it) and we can't stop them. All we can do is educate them and hope they stay.
The only time we hold patients against their will is if they're suicidal.
Yeah thas a preety good style, but I honestly prefer your normal one.
Yea, I'll soon come back to that.
I am going to get Scammed!
Also very gorgues drawing.
Thx =}}
Das the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Like bloody hell it's so nice of you to do somethin like this!
I actually never knew you make merch with your arts on it, that's really cool!
Thanks I think it's good to try and use whatever skill you excel at something to push yourself.
Whoah das really ominous, also super well made, great job!
Ok das really adorable.
thanks bro :3
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21