"Don't worry, I know how to un-fridge-in-the-face myself, I've trained years for this moment!"
"Don't worry, I know how to un-fridge-in-the-face myself, I've trained years for this moment!"
It's alright if you wanna make stuff slowly, and it's really good whatever you have goin on has been fixed enought that you feel like drawing at all, it probably wasn't easy to reach this point!
Also I can tell you for a fact you haven't lost your skill at all, this looks so gokd like all your other stuff!
Oh, such a thoughtful message!! 😭🙏 It is people like you that helps me stay positive and be more patient with myself, so thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
I swearyou did somethin with your artstyle that made it just so much better! I can't tell what that thing you did is, but your stuff's been getting really good recently!
i learned how to use lock alpha and I don't blend that much now XD thanks
Huh. Preety cool.
That's preety cool.
Also DAMN that looks tasty!
Even if it is just a sketch, and yeah it is kinda the middle of summer (or atleast it feels like it), this still seems like it'd be preety cool if you finished it.
I just finished lol :3
Yeah that fits preety well. And Tails himself looks very cool here!
Yeah, he's preety cool.
Woah thas sick. Really nice character, and such a great drawing for them!
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21