Yooooooo mate heckin beutifull! Soo many colours on the normally grey Hank feels hella nice to look at the glitch effect is really smooth and pleasent, thanks for making this cool as hell thing!
Yooooooo mate heckin beutifull! Soo many colours on the normally grey Hank feels hella nice to look at the glitch effect is really smooth and pleasent, thanks for making this cool as hell thing!
Tysm <3
Hey uhhh, I hate to be the dude but you made a typo. The title says "shit art", and I'm preety sure it's spelled "fucking gorgeus".
Thank you very much
That is the sweetest thing I have ever seen. He's so happy!
Thas a cool lil kitsunerisu! They have gorgeus chest floof!
Thas a really cool lil eevee! They have a lotta chest floof!
What about this guy? https://siedorran.newgrounds.com/
IDK they look quite sus XD
Ah yes, the technicly correct furry octopus.
Here comes a new challenger.
I never even knew that dude had a name. Really cool drawing anyway!
I actually dont know where the name Ted came from but i think it fits a lot to him
That first one is uhhh, intereting, and the second is really cool and cute!
Ah, I see your schchlong is bigger than mine.
Your kitchen
Joined on 1/31/21